Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Living a Life of Sexual Purity and Purity in General

I previously posted a pro/con piece on Christianity and living that life.  Well, as of recently I must post a retraction on one of those points I posted. Which was sexuality.  At that time I was struggling with maintaining sexual purity. As time has passed I'm finding it much easier to not act on those desires that I still have.  Yes, I still have the urge to want to have sex, and even have not so pure thoughts about it.  However, I have done very well in not acting upon that.  I've had opportunity after another to but I've resisted.  And, I'm very proud of myself. As time progresses I'm sure those thoughts and desires will fade. As I have posted before, After 10 years of having it whenever I wanted, it's hard to give that up, even though I know that it is morally wrong.

Now that I am done with beating myself up here is the beauty of being pure physically and spiritually. Once I have found the person that God has sent for me to spend the rest of my life with, there's that surprise once you're married. You have no preconceived  expectations on how you think that sex should be. It's exactly how God intended it to be. Being in a relationship that begins as a friendship and pursues God as its foundation, will most definitely be stronger and more stable in the long run. If a relationship is based only on sex, you're basically building your home on a beach, waiting for it to be washed away by the tide. It may be fulfilling physically and even emotionally, but only temporarily. Eventually one of the partners is going to get bored or tired with it. Then what do you have? Nothing at all.  Please if you haven't taken the time to watch Jeff Bethke's video do it now. He explains this so much better than I could possibly.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Has America Become?

What has America become?
Has America become the land of special interest and home of the
double standard? Let's see: If we lie to the Congress, it's a felony
and if Congress lies to us it's just politics. If we dislike a black person,
we're a racist and if a black dislikes whites, it's their 1st Amendment
right. The government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals and
they do almost nothing for the victims. In public schools you can teach
that homosexuality and lesbianism is ok, but you better not use the
word God in the process. You can murder a child in the mothers womb,
but it's wrong to execute a mass murderer. We don't burn books in
America, we now rewrite them. We got rid of the communist & socialist
threat by renaming them progressives. If you protest against Obama's
policies you're a terrorist, but if you burn an American flag or George
Bush in effigy, it's your 1st Amendment right.
You can have pornography on TV or the internet, but you better not
put a nativity scene in a public park during Christmas. In America,
criminals are now called sick people. The government takes money
from those who work hard & gives it to those who are lazy. Parenting
has been replaced with Ritalin & video games. The land of opportunity
is now the land of hand outs.
And how do we handle a major crisis today? The Government
appoints a committee to determine who's at fault, then threatens
them, passes a law, raises our taxes, then tells us the problem is
solved so they can get back to their reelection campaign.