Monday, July 9, 2012

Thank You to Those Who Voted for Obama

Obama refuses to take responsibility for anything he does, including ruining our economy to the point that unemployment is rampant. There is always something or someone else to blame. Let’s hear it for everyone who voted for this fooI. Thanks, guys! He has attacked states, called Americans “enemy” and betrayed his political opponents to the UN. He has vacationed an unprecedented number of days and played golf on those days he was not vacationing. He has spent us into oblivion. His hacks and goons initiate smear campaigns against those with opposing viewpoints because he is afraid to debate the issues. They want to shut down conservative speech. His friends are racists, anti-Americans, and
criminals. His wife is ashamed of her country. He lectures the American people as if they are little children that he has to correct.
1. You who voted for Obama because you disagree with Bush’s Middle East policy: nicely done! 
The Middle East, never a completely stable region, is in turmoil now after Obama instigated riots and failed to support pro-democracy groups. Now, regimes which were friendly towards the US have been toppled, extremists have filled the void. Women who will now be subjugated under S h a r I a h law are beholden to you.  He has violated the War Powers Act by not withdrawing all troops from
Libya before the 60-day deadline, an impeachable offense. Also, Obama has ensured that we will remain dependent on Middle-East oil.
2. If you thought Bush was crooked, so you voted for Obama: Congratulations on your inferior
deductive capabilities!
You have helped usher in the filthiest, most crooked administration ever. They supplied guns to Mexican criminals, resulting in many, many deaths. They sue states for upholding the law while
failing to enforce the law themselves, and they allow NBP to disenfranchise voters. Hope you are happy with your choice. The rest of us are NOT.
3. Union members who supported him: you merit an honorable mention! 
Yes, he is all for making sure you have sweetheart deals as recompense
for your unflagging support of his campaign, but what happens when he runs out
of other peoples’ money? The most expensive workers, and you know who you are, will be the first to go in favor of cheaper non-union labor. You will have negotiated yourselves out of your jobs. 
4. Minorities who  voted for him based solely on his skin color: way to go! Your unemployment rate has increased more than that of other groups. Perhaps you would have been better off to heed Martin Luther King’s words about judging a man by the content of his character and not the color of his skin. There was plenty of information available that showed he has no character or integrity.
5. You in the healthcare and medical insurance industries who voted for him: pat yourselves
on the back!
 Many of you will be forced to either accept terms that assure you will not see a profit, or you will have
to retire or find a new line of work. ObamaCare calls for dumping millions more into the system, including illegal aliens who will receive subsidies at the expense of hard working taxpayers. You will be frustrated when needed treatments for your patients are denied by government bureaucrats. Not only that, but the politics behind this monstrously bad bill were beyond dirty.  Thanks a heII of a lot for bringing this curse upon all of us.
6. Jews who voted for him: take a bow! 
You managed to help elect the most pro-Muslim, anti-Israel, terrorist-friendly president ever. What the heII were you thinking?
7. Catholics who voted for Obama: standing ovation for you! 
His voting record on abortion is 100% for terminating any pregnancy, at any stage, including AFTER a baby is out of the womb and birth canal. Your seconds in the voting booth are truly a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment.
8. Whytes who voted for him by reason of whyte guilt: you now have a REAL reason to feel guilty. 
Well done!
9. College students
who voted for Obama because it was the “cool” thing to do: how cool is it to
put our nation trillions of dollars into debt, ruining the economy and along
with it any hope you had for achieving a decent standard of living? “Yes we can” and “hope and change” are simply slogans, and NOT plans for running a country. You have no one but yourselves
to blame for your current predicament.  And the rest of us do not appreciate your significant contribution to saddling us all with the community organizer.
10. Women who voted for him: you got what you asked for.
 In BO’s administration, women are paid less than men, and women have suffered higher unemployment because of his policies.
Now all of you have made your own little contribution to our continually declining economy. It would be karma if all of you who voted for him lost your jobs, while those who saw through the lies and didn't vote
for him kept theirs.