Monday, January 30, 2012

Roe v Wade 39 Years Later

I started this post on the 39th anniversary of Roe v Wade, I'm a little late finishing and posting it, sorry.

I'm sure that so far anyone who has read this blog knows that I am a Christian with very conservative political views.  And there are times when I can get pretty passionate about those views.  I am in no way out to offend anyone or hurt feelings.  I welcome healthy debate and I also am willing to see anyone's point of view.  It's most likely not going to change my mind on the certain issue at hand, but I try to be open minded.  With that said...

Today marks 39 years since Roe v Wade was passed in 1973.  Anyone who doesn't know that is the suit that paved the way to legalized abortion.  It obviously was before my time being that I'm not quite 30.  Now, I am in a way flying by the seat of my pants with this post, as I am doing my research as I go along, about the case.  I do know that Jane Roe's name is actually Norma McCorvey. She went before the Texas state Supreme Court to try to legally obtain an abortion because she claimed to have been raped.  At this time, abortion was limited to only if it was necessary to preserve the life of the mother.  At this point I will let you do your own research on the trial and legislation.  I will be happy to post any links that would be helpful.

Now, on to where I become very passionate.  I am very obviously pro-life and will gladly defend my position till I am blue in the face. I believe wholeheartedly that abortion is legal murder.  Point blank, period.  So, I periodically have Facebook brawls with Pro-choicers that have a tendency to get very nasty. Do I care?  Not particularly.  Because here is the way I look at it.  If you get to the point that I have made you upset or mad, could there be a possibility that I've made you think a whole minute?  I don't tend to get angry at the ignorance and cold hearted comments that some people make.  That just proves exactly that.  That they're cold hearted, ignorant, and misinformed.  The government and our society has, to me, brainwashed people to totally believe that just because a baby is attached and depends on the mother's body for life for the first 9 months, that that baby IS their body and that they can do with it as they choose.  WRONG.  I've heard probably every nonsensical argument from the pro-choice side that ranges from equating a fetus to a parasite to a rapist.  Crazy huh? Well, they may not have actually come out and said those exact words but any adult with common sense and a little bit of logic can come to those conclusions.  However, I have actually heard some people refer to a baby as a parasite, and not in the joking manner, I did with my sons jokingly.  Those are not the people I am referring to. 

I have had heard the line "No one has the right to use someone else's body against their will" so many times in just the last few months that it has literally made me want to vomit.  Let's break that comment down a little bit.  For a fetus (embryo, zygote, however you would like to refer to it) to be someone who is "using your body against your will" you must actually recognize that it is human.  Well, here comes the first fallacy.  The majority of the pro-choice movement refuses to even recognize the fetus as human or alive.  I know there are a select few that do actually recognize that but still choose to say "my body my choice" blah blah...tell that to someone who will actually believe that garbage.  Second fallacy, the moment you choose to have sex, you accept the consequences that follow.  It's that simple.  However, over the years our government in many aspects has made it way to easy to dodge responsibility.  I'm not going to go into all of those aspects because we will be here all night.  Birth control fails.  It happens it even tells you that it's not 100%.  So, you are willing to take that chance.  Now that I have blown that statement out of the water, let's move on to the next.

My Body My Choice Ugh, so out dated and blahhh....I’ll just go ahead and say it: I agree with this statement.  It is entirely up to a person, man or woman, to decide what they can do with their own body, so long as no one else’s rights are being violated.  And this one-liner would hold water if and only if abortion didn’t involve the body of a completely separate and unique human being who will die a violent and painful death during the process of that so-called ‘choice.’  Your body, your choice; baby’s body, baby’s choice. NEXT! One more...

“Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.”
When someone resorts to this statement, it becomes quite apparent they cannot actually defend their stance on abortion.  This is the logical equivalent of “Don’t like rape? Don’t rape!” “Don’t like child molestation? Don’t molest a child!” “Don’t like slavery? Don’t own a slave!”  …But don’t you dare tell me what I can and can’t do. Easy as that.
 The last 2 comments were borrowed from Jennie Stone's piece on Pro-Choice Bumper Sticker Speak. (Gotta give cred where cred is deserved) which can be found in its entirety at

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