Sunday, January 8, 2012

Being a Christian : The Ups and Downs of Knowing the Love of God

My snarky take on rededicating my life to Christ.
Most people know that I'm a smartass 98.4% of the time so please don't take offense to my post. And yes, there are pros and cons to living a Christ-centered life.

Potty mouth : I have one of the worst potty mouths ever. I'm horrible with the f bomb and my favorite word is shit.  No, technically I'm not suppose to say awful ugly words but, am I the only one who feels better sometimes after going off on an obscenity-filled rant?  I'm working on it...ok?

Sex : After 10 years of getting it on demand whenever I want, its a challenge to just cut myself of and say, no more, sorry I'm waiting till marriage now...humph...  :(

Music : Good grief do I really have to be a fan of Bill Gaither to be a real Christian? Ugh I don't like traditional gospel music.  I like all types

Not always getting my prayers answered like I want them : I'm a spoiled rotten brat who if my parents wouldn't give me my way I gave myself my way. This sucks. Having faith sucks sometimes.

Going to church : this one is the worst. I HATE going to church. Not for reasons one would think but, you wanna find the judgmental assholes that claim to be Christians? Go to church. Churches should NOT be filled with politics and favoritism.  But it happens.  But the one thing we should always remember is, none of us are perfect.

On to the Pros...

Reading my Bible : this I don't mind so much. I enjoy reading and, come on, you don't have to read it in one sitting. A chapter a day, and you'll be done in about a year.  Plus I find reading it simply makes me feel better.  I don't LOOK for a message, I let God send it to me.

Being a loving caring person, just as Jesus loves all of us : this one SHOULD be easy.  For a lot, not so much.  I struggle daily with this one.  I have this fixation with punching people in the face and one day it will happen, but hopefully it will be deserved. Again, I'm working on it...

Knowing that I am ALWAYS loved : No matter what person turns their back on me God never will. Simply put.

Being a Christian is hard. Some days suck so bad that I wonder if it's really even worth it.  Being faithful sucks because I'm not patient in the least. My 2 and 7 year olds have more patience than I do. But, my newest hero is Wally from WAYFM. He is the epitome of an imperfect Christian.  But he is a wonderful and inspiring person. Someone I'm proud to look up to.  I'm not always going to get what I want.  The world we live in today, I'm going to greatly be persecuted for my faith.  But, my life is filled with joy.  I don't care what folks think of me.  I can wake up each and every morning knowing that I am loved, and will love as Jesus loves me.

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